You’ve been thinking about writing a book for years, but you just don’t know where to start.

Get my free eBook now!

Writing can seem hard but it doesn't have to be! This eBook will give you the tools you need to get started on your first sentence in no time at all. It's full of tips and tricks that will help make your story come alive. And best of all, it's free!

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    “Lesley helps you rediscover your 'I AM". She reminded me how valuable my voice is in this world and how my story can deliver a solution someone is waiting for.”

    Sanah Bittaye Mitchell

    CEO, Trinigam Technology Grp, LLC

    Stonecrest, GA

    What you get:

    In this eBook, we'll show you how easy it is with our step-by-step guide that includes everything from brainstorming ideas to framing memories; in no time you will be outlining chapters and editing drafts - even publishing your work online or in print form once its ready!


    We'll also cover how to create a signature writing style process that works for YOU so that every word feels like an extension of yourself instead of something forced out by someone else's rules (or worse yet...a ghost writer).

    What is it all about?

    How To W.R.I.T.E. For Newbies eBook is here for new writers who want to write their story without having any idea how they should do so or what steps they should take next! With these simple strategies in place, writing becomes fun again because now it feels like an adventure instead of a chore!